Time Machine 🕰️🚂

Is time machine real? I’m talking about a machine that can travel through time, like a 2002 American science fiction film titled The Time Machine, I watched the film in Indonesian television few years back and I pretty much liked it, or I was just hoping that the time machine really exists?

I googled “time machine” and the top result is a backup software from Apple macOS. Is it wrong that I called it time machine, I like the term and I don’t want to change that! Well if google doesn’t agree with me, I’m going to try another search engine, I’m mad at you google! But before I leave I’m gonna google one more thing “search engines”…

I used bing.com and the results are science fiction novella by H. G. Well – published in 1895, The movie and the apple. I used baidu.com I see Chinese characters 百度一下 the results are OS X – I believe this is another software. I used duckduckgo.com and another apple. I think I’m gonna have to go back with google, but what I’m gonna say, I’m sorry google, I promise I wouldn’t use another again, unless you’re down or my country blocking the usage of you.

As a programmer I use search engine a lot, I have a task I google it, found the answer in stackoverflow and then copy and paste the code in to my work, done! Let’s get back to the topic.

Time Travel Machine

Did I use the wrong term? I think I did, so what’s the correct one? What about “Time Travel Machine”? Okay, getting some. One saying that the reality of time travel is muddled – Not all scientist believe that time travel is possible, I just couldn’t find who says it possible.

I’m not giving up, I’m still searching until I find Yes, but to my knowledge only in the forward direction. I know of two instances, one for 100 years, and the other for 300 years. I’m still struggling with the content there so I wouldn’t talk too much about it.

Is that Possible?

What is possible? time machine? time travel? time travel machine? 99% I’m sure that it’s not real yet. But I wish that it’s real and I can use it right now? For what? I made mistakes a lot it’s countless and I want to go back in time to fix that, hoping that today is not what I experienced.

100% you can visit the past, not like time travel for human though, for file! If you haven’t read my post abouthistory, well I will tell you the excerpt here. When you creating and editing a file or image or document for several times, you probably done something wrong and want to go back to previous version, you can do it with a software called version control.

I need to rethink about this… about my belief in time machine! If time machine really existed, I would have a perfect life! I don’t have to suffer for all my mistakes! All I can think is imagine the future, what happen to the future if this is what I’m doing right now, am I going to regret it?

The post is over above the line there, but if you insist to reading it till the end here we go my rambling!

If you haven’t read my Sunshine Blogger award post, please do! I will be really happy if you read it and click the links I provided. The links are my favorite blogs check them out, please! This post is also inspired by it, I talk a litte about time machine. Sunshine Blogs

I’m really sorry for cogitoesoterica from smalltimejetsetter, I will never ← neversaynever, it will take me a really long time to invent the time machine, hope you understand…

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Male, Indonesian, Muslim, Programmer, 27 y.o. Single by Bye... You are a poet, you just don't know it...

180 thoughts on “Time Machine 🕰️🚂”

  1. If i have a time machine i would go the age of dinosaurs…lol…
    I think we shouldnot regret our errors and faults because we learn from them…they shape our personality..
    Great post dear brother…keep going !!

    Liked by 7 people

  2. No worries…even famous scientists were unable to invent a time machine so it won’t be easy.😉 But I think it’s possible…I guess I just watch too much sci-fi. How I wish I could travel back in time and see major events in history. I have a Macbook so I’m familiar with the Mac OS Time Machine and it’s really helpful. By the way, my most favorite time travel movies are the Back to The Future series. They’re quite old but the time travel concept is quite believable. Have you seen any of them?

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Hahaha, I want one 😆
      It’s not deep research what I did, but if I did I’m not sure my brain would work 😂
      Yes, I have watched movies about time travel too, the most favorite for me is from the flash, I have watched back to the Future, but I think I watched it when I was a kid, I forgot the story, I’ll probably try to watch it again sometime 😁

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I hope you don’t give up.😊 If only my IQ is much higher I would have studied theoretical or applied physics so I might have a chance of making a time machine. I also want a wormhole too so I can go to other places for free.😂

        Liked by 5 people

  3. I have watched a dozen of time travel movies….. 😂😮❤
    X-men: Days of future past
    Deja Vu
    Doctor strange
    Edge of tomorrow
    The Philadelphia experiment
    Hot tub time machine (my favourite)
    Source code
    The final countdown
    The butterfly effect
    ….yeah I am a freak in the context of movies…… Hell with these science-fictions…. Nobody could beat them 😂😂

    P. S. I had to comment something so yuulye……😂😂😂and I couldn’t get anything else to say so…..I am sorry 😂😂❤😮

    Liked by 4 people

    1. And I am not the person who believes in time travel….😂😮. But still goes crazy when there is any movie out there..❤❤.. As Stephen Hawking said that if time travel is possible…then where are the tourists from future 😂😂🎭

      Liked by 3 people

      1. What you gonna say about me next, I can’t be to happy about this because I know that you’re going to slam me to the ground again, still don’t understand, English please 🤣

        Liked by 3 people

    2. Me too! I was going to include the references there but it will be really long and boring 😂

      Interstellar ✔️
      Doctor strange ✔️
      Edge of tomorrow ✔️
      Source code ✔️
      The butterfly effect ✔️
      And so many more, I bet I have more titles than you 😝
      Sorry for what? I’m being old? 😂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Nice post,👍
    I’m also very very much interested in time travel.. Only if I had a time machine..😅
    And congratulations you have gained soo many followers..
    And also you’ve gained many comments since the time I commented before,i.e. almost 3hrs. So don’t be sad, your popularity is still rising..🤗

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hahaha, you probably one of the victims from science fiction 😂 it’s probably one day.
      Thank you so much, I ask you to give it a peek and you drop like and comment too! I’m really happy 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. 👍 pls smile more, it’s good for your soul!
        Yeah, l backed up all data and as soon as I get some money, I will renew everything. Thanks for caring.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, I heard that and I think it works!
        Glad to know, it would be terrible if not! I try so hard to care for other people because it feel so good when people care about me 😁

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks Mr/Mrs   for accepting and following my blog.

    I’m available to read your post at my convenient time.

    You have such an interesting topic I will love to read in
    your blog.

    I still remain  the simple blogger…..

    Peace and Love

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m really sorry, I don’t know why your comment detected as spam.
      Thank you so much for the kind comment! You’re a simple blogger and it’s a really good thing! What do I call you? Mr/Ms Patrick?
      Peace and Love

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The Apple Mac OS lol If there was a time machine I wouldn’t want to use it, I’ve seen too many time travel movies where messing with the past never works out the way it’s supposed to hahaha.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was wanting to put that exact idea to the post, I just didn’t wanna mess with my brain, the post will just be too complicated, hahaha

      I hope you get what I mean, I try to translate and change above statement into my language it still doesn’t make sense 😆

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you for sharing the verse, it has a good content, I also believe that I must make sure that the fact I told to another should be traced to the root so I didn’t share lie

        Liked by 2 people

  7. A quick comment about how search engines finds out results for you: Every search term is called a ‘keyword’. Search engines (especially Google) brings out those search results which are most popular and active in the recent times. So if you are searching for a film or a book, I would recommend that you mention in brackets after the name. For example: The Time Machine (Book) or Time Machine (film). But if you want to know about the concept of time machine and the history of research made in that field, I suggest you try Wikipedia for more valid and relevant research. Hope this helps. Have a nice weekend! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. What if the time machines existed…where would you like to go?
    I will probably go 20 years back….one of the aunties had given me 4 slaps I don’t know why…I was lunatic I know…mom told me this ….I want to seriously slap that women back….mom told me that this lady called me to her home and gave me 4 tight slaps…lol I want to see at least who that woman was

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know, I need a lot of time to think about it, if there were a consequences something like that. I want to be in my first time at school, maybe in 1994, with now memories, hahaha. It’s that bad? I wonder what the complete story is, and I have a lot of questions actually, it seems to have a pretty big impact on your life.


      1. No no….not a big impact…..its just that I got to know this day before yesterday only…..so I was wondering all about it….it’s recent that’s why….I don’t even remember what was it….🤔

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I for one do wish time travel was real or even a possible invention in the future.

    There’s this movie called( back to the future ) it’s about time travel too. I think it’s a really awesome movie.

    I like your sense of humour though. You dumped google only to find yourself needing googles help again haha . It’s a good thing google is so forgiving.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really love your comment, it’s hilarious, yes indeed google is so forgiving 😂

      I’ll let you know if I found one, and you too let me know…

      I watched that movie but I don’t think that I remember the story, what I remember is from the movie Edge of tomorrow 2014, I like the concept, without the monster of course, although it’s not really “time travel” 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha
        😊😊okay that sounds good, I will also do so .

        In that movie they used a car to travel back in time.

        Well I haven’t seen edge of tomorrow but maybe I’ll check it out 😊😊

        Liked by 1 person

  10. well well well
    good post thou
    time machine do exist ..have you heard ? everything you see outside is present within you
    so here it is you can recall your memories and you can visit your past ..through meditation. 🙂 you cant change your past but can change your present by learning through the mistakes you have done in your past..
    P.s. i like this post and after reading your SPAM blog , I think this comment will be found in that SPAM COMMENT SECTION 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m hearing it from you just now, and you’re absolutely right 😁
      Hahaha, no, this doesn’t. This one just pending status since this is your first time commenting on my blog, that I know of. The first timer will wait for pending, after that I think the comment is auto approved, if there is no error 😆

      Liked by 1 person

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