Choco – The goddess of enlightenment?

I was thinking so hard last night, I couldn’t think anymore, so I sleep it off, hahaha. This post is dedicated to my WordPress BFF because on Instagram not so much, Choco…late? That is really accurate nickname, because she is super sweeeeetttt! I need to check my blood sugar level now…

Inspired by Avni in her post titled Meet grandma Angie!, I want to do the same by writing this post. Actually I just read the post before I write this, I saw the title in her post list when first time I meet her, just didn’t have the feel to read it right away.

Back to Sai. Earlier that day I was writing my next post, I mention her in it. Here is some proofs. I’m writing WordPress post with so many layers… am I perfectionist?1

Then she posted a new post Versatile blogger award 😱, with me on top of the list, yaay me! It’s not like there is connection, but I’m just really happy with her kindness. I probably noticed the post an hour after its released. The post maybe version 7.0 now, I don’t know.

I was watching her post, yes watching, with no intention of watching. I had a notification I click on her post, I’m thinking what to comment and then I distracted by other notification I clicked it and leave the post, while I’m thinking what to say, later I went back to the post and it’s updated with new words, and I think it was hilarious!

While I tried refreshing the page, she commented on my post, calling me dumb, I am dumb2, because I haven’t dropped any comment, I believe she was waiting, sorry, hahaha. Shortly after that she asking me when I’m going to write the post for award post reply, hey, I haven’t commented on your post yet! Well, I hope this post will answer both.

I was having a really tiring day yesterday since I woke up, I had a dream about my ex girlfriend. But I didn’t give up that day not like I always do, I still go to Mosque at dawn to pray, and start questioning my entire life. But later, my struggling doesn’t work, my brain feels so tired, because of that stupid dream, or am I just overthink about everything3.

I wanted to write the post right away last night, my brain just doesn’t work anymore for the day, I gave up I went to sleep. I had another dream, now about Choco’s post. In my dream I went to see the post again and saw that the BFF status was removed, hahaha, but when I see it again in this time the words still there, probably after this post published, that dream will become reality.

She is so smart! I know it from her words, when we talked in comment, reading her posts, her references, it’s like we are the same age but she is smarter than me. I think Jerry can confirm this. At her age, I was beating up friends, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarretes!4 I don’t know who Helen Keller is, I don’t know how to use whom or who. Fudge!

Before sleep, I tried to leave a sign for her, that I was thinking and I couldn’t continue the day, but I’m not sure that she noticed or not. Where she said “It is not necessary for everything to have a reason…. Isn’t it?????” I think that her mood changed that time. My answer is, I believe that everything is connected written in a book somewhere! I just don’t know the truth about it yet! My username, yuulye, I need to plan it for at least 3 months5, since I had the idea of creating a wordpress account, well in that 3 months I still do something else.

In her latest post, I love that the fact she adds some additional information after the award nominee names, it’s cute! I did something similar in my early time of writing post, I add some description on the nominees, I even add their pictures. I’m a stalker6. I have built a script to stalk my readers, my stalking is in the next level, huahahaha.


You probably don’t want to get too close to me because I can go crazy at any time. Just like what I did to my ex, I stalked her like crazy, but only her, I have never crossed the line anymore since that, it was me being a moron! I always consider myself as a psychopath7 until I talked to Mariam/Marium? I get a free consultation there, hahaha. She said that I’m not one and I’m glad to hear that.

This is it, a post for you Choco, I’m really happy to meet you on WordPress. I skim the spellcheck and translation part because I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting any longer, I probably update it later, or delete it, whatever, hahaha. I hope you can understand what I mean, don’t leave with mean comment, I’ll probably thinking about it all the times, hahaha…

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Male, Indonesian, Muslim, Programmer, 27 y.o. Single by Bye... You are a poet, you just don't know it...

167 thoughts on “Choco – The goddess of enlightenment?”

  1. So, after reading your post, I conclude that your inspiration from my post didn’t go in vain.🙈
    It hardly matters what all wrong things we did in the past, but if you learn from it and never ever repeat it again, then “all izz well”😄 After all we are humans and we are allowed to do mistakes. But learning from mistakes makes us ‘true human’.. And yes, Happy Holi.. (Holi is a festival which signifies the winning of goodness over evil or light over darkness..)🤗
    Have a great day..😇

    Liked by 9 people

    1. The moment when I first met you is really what make me see the different side of blogging, good side! all izz well, all iz well, the baby start kicking! Happy Holi!
      2017 date Monday, 13 March[6]
      2018 date Friday, 2 March
      2019 date Thursday, 21 March
      that is today? Don’t make me make another post for you Anvi! 😂😝❤️😊

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Thank you!!😇🤗
        I’m flattered..😁😆
        So you’ll not make a post for ‘Anvi’, so what about me (Avni)? I wonder who this ‘Anvi’ is, she takes credit of many of my affords..😈😆

        Liked by 6 people

      2. Haha😁.. Actually I had already thought about mentioning you.. And I’ve a lot of blogs left pending, you know my exams are from 5th march.. So, I’ll probably write a new post in April.. And btw my last exam is on 28th march..😒🙁

        Liked by 4 people

      3. Don’t worry, I know you do, and I know that you’re very busy this month, school and blogging wise. I don’t know if you and Choco in the same school, you don’t, do you? But you’re in the same grade, 10th? 😁

        Liked by 3 people

      4. Haha.. Thankss..😁
        Don’t be sorry, your assumption was almost right but I’m not ‘too’ polite. The fact is that I know my limits and once I cross any one of my limits, I look nothing less than a crazy person..😅😂🙈

        Liked by 4 people

      5. If you are not scared, go ahead and make the post, so that she will know you are smarter than her!
        Don’t forget that age is just a number that doesn’t determine smartness or intuition.
        I believe you want Avni to think/believe she is smarter than you!!
        Own up and write another post on her, this time around, make it romantic!!!

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Hahahaha!!! She will be too old and boring to you when she turned twenty five!
        Better now that she is younger and naughty!

        Liked by 2 people

      7. Great, nice to hear!
        Be a big boy and write a love letter for her on your blog. Make it anonymous if you are shy(I think you are!). She will know it’s her’s, cause she is smart!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Awwwwiii!!!….❤❤ Yuulye that was so sweet of you……. 🌻I am totally taken aback….. 😮I never thought you would write a post for me…. 😆
    This was so sweet and totally unexpected…. 😅😱
    Distance doesn’t separate people

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I never knew you made a script just for stalking…. ❤❤❤ that’s great…..🌻 And please don’t underestimate yourself…… 😮You are great at whatever you do… 😆Always be like this carefree spirit and kind, funny and generous spirited. ❤🎭😱😂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. And yes you are great seriously and…..🌻 Today I am short of words…. 🤔Sorry if I irritated you anytime before…. 😂
        And thank you so so so so….. (infinite times *so* ) much!!!…. ❤❤❤

        Liked by 5 people

      2. Hahaha don’t worry, it’s part of who/whom you are, just tell me, when you said that mean comment, one or more, you were in the bad mood right? 😋
        I know, I know 😝😁😁😁

        Liked by 2 people

      3. It was just in the beginning until I reached 61, it’s not updated automatically, the script is still buggy, I just commenting on everyone post now, it’s more effective 🤣😂😂

        Liked by 2 people

      4. # A. match_ends
        # Given a list of strings, return the count of the number of
        # strings where the string length is 2 or more and the first
        # and last chars of the string are the same.
        # Note: python does not have a ++ operator, but += works.
        def match_ends(words):
        # +++your code here+++

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Nice post…
    Dear friend and bro yuulye your way of writing is so simple and interesting….you make the reader reads to the end …
    Keep writing and inspiring …
    Have a great Friday bro….💀👾👽👹☺

    Liked by 5 people

    1. your emojis 😂
      Thank you so much Sister Sohair (it feels really weird I’m calling you this, it translated as nurse Sohair in my language)! I’m really happy with your comment! If you have any criticism, or I wrote something bad, I will be super happy to make it a consideration.
      Have a great Friday and awesome weekend sis 😁😊

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Yes I lived for some years in Saudi Arabia with my husband …people there use sister as nurse….
        I used those emojis to go with ur sense of humour…
        I like constructive criticism …if I find any thing useful to say in the future posts of you …of course I will tell you….my pleasure indeed…and you also do the same with my posts if you please…
        Life is good with kind friends like you dear bro…
        God bless ☺👍✌

        Liked by 3 people

      1. Me too, if you were talking about you and I, we are not so far away, don’t you think? hahaha, sorry 😆 The hate can spread, the joy as well, being open like this it feels so much better although sometimes when I’m being too open I regret it also 😂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, we come from the same part of the world so we’re basically neighbors haha…I get what you mean about being open. You seem like a really sweet guy, and you have BFFs in WP!😄 That’s quite an achievement, you know. But there are pros and cons to everything. And if you get too close to people they would expect a lot from you so you need to be able to handle that.😄 Trust me, I know.😆

        Liked by 2 people

      3. You’ve melt my heart 😊
        Yes, I’m super happy about that, but she is really annoying 😑
        I think so too, but I that’s what my brain for, although that often doesn’t work 😂
        I know I’ve been the one who expected so much from someone 😆

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I get that. Annoying huh?😂 It happens… when sometimes you’re just being friendly and some people just think you’re already very close and they would ask so much from you. It’s the price you pay for being too nice😂

        Liked by 1 person

      5. yes, super, I hope she read this comment 😈
        That’s the very interesting part of human interaction, I cannot know what exactly happened in others mind!
        I know some mean persons and I know the consequences of being nice, that is why I choose to be and so hard in being the nice one 😆

        Liked by 3 people

      6. Wow you’re really annoyed!😂 You’re right, it’s hard to understand other people. But you’re really nice, and it’s good that you choose to be one so keep it up. I’m not very nice, I’m just polite. And when I’m annoyed with someone I just don’t talk to them anymore hahaha…

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Thank you 😊
        I’m not saying it, you admitted it 😆
        I think I used to be like that, till now, I have no real world friend to talk to, like right now… hahaha, my last friend, she didn’t reply my chat from 15 february

        Liked by 2 people

      8. I didn’t say you said it, I’m just giving you an idea😉😆 Polite people are nice by default, just don’t get on their bad side.😂
        I hate it when people don’t reply to my chat, I don’t talk to them anymore if that happens.😂
        You should go out and make friends.😄

        Liked by 2 people

      9. My idea is like this, every person I meet will be nice person, but after a while when we get closer, there will flaws appear from both sides, I hope it makes sense 😂
        I have few friends I made recently, the one is an uncle about 60 years, and the other one is a boy named Abi, 6 years 1th grader, I just can’t be too open with them yet 😆

        Liked by 2 people

      10. We’re humans after all. Familiarity breeds contempt. The more you know a person the more flaws you will see.😉
        Good to know you’re making new friends! But I don’t know how you can connect with a 6 year old kid.😂 I don’t have a lot of friends too since I’m an introvert. But I prefer having a few good friends over having many people like me for what I’m not.😊

        Liked by 2 people

      11. It’s a secret 😉😂
        I can’t really tell which one is introvert or extrovert, I have a discussion with my colleague months ago, and it become really long talk 😆

        Liked by 1 person

      1. ada nya aku, kalo nggak salah, nggak bisa jawa alus juga saya, hahaha, pernah di bandung saya tahun 2016-2017, cuma nggak belajar sunda, tau nya aing doang, wkwkwk

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Aing itu bahasa kasar pokonya, dan boleh digunainnya ke yang lebih bawah atau sepantaran, kalo sama yang lebih atas mah jangan ya. Wkwkwk

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Keliatan kalo sok rendah hati ya, hahaha, pernah kursus dulu abis sma, nekat sih nyoba aja, banyak juga blogger yang native nya bukan English sama sama belajar jadinya

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Itu ada post Bahasa inggris, Vegas resto, di kembangin lagi aja, blog nya jangan banyak2 , jadi nggak fokus ntar, enakan bahasa inggris, temen2 nya baik2, komen nya nggak sadis, hahaha


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