πŸ“Œ About About πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

What is this post about? I don’t know, it’s probably about the page or about the author, what a word author, am I an author? Cut to the chase dude, you are wasting my time! I don’t want to read about your stupid jokes! Okay, okay, Heisenberg says “Relax…” I’m writing the about, about, about, about, the word has lost its meaning thanks to me!

I created this blog several months ago, Dec 1st 2017 to be exact. What was I thinking when I created this blog? I had problems. and it stays still. I don’t know what to do at the time, I tried exploring the Reader, I’m following some blogs since I started, I have no idea what those were, I decided to sleep it off, until two weeks later I woke up and created my very first post “I need more”, what a newb words, so cringe…

A Qoder Blog

A Blog that is owned by a Qoder, or it should be A Qoder’s Blog? Qoder is my made up word.

It’s from the word “code” something that I write as a programmer – code, C+ode, I change the C with Q so it will sound more middle eastern plus R in the end to make it a noun. I hope it makes sense…

Why I’m quoting that, that is my words -_- thanks to blogging now I have some confidence to arrange some words, although the arrangement is, like what you saw, something not so… yeah you can grade it yourself.

But this blog content is changing all the time, in my early posts I write some coding related blog in WordPress.com content. You think you so smart huh? Because you are a programmer and you know “technical”, but you are really not dude… So now I’m writing some silly stuff… it can be anything. And tags, I love tags, something like awards, liebster, sunshine, versatile, etc. But if you are going to tag me in an award or something else, I’m going to make an announcement about it soon, don’t tag me just yet.


It’s an imagination from my name July. You can call me July, like the month. I was wanting a name that is six letters, because google account need to be 6. I centered my accounts to the google account, because google is like the king of the Web! See, google also has 6 letters. I keep getting the message That username is taken. Try another. So this one is probably the best, it sounded like my name when I use google translate text to speech in English language.

I’m 27, 28 this year, I’m so old, sorry for you that have more number than me, no offence… I’m an Indonesian, Muslim, I am a computer enthusiast, a programmer, and currently a web programmer to be precise. I can create web but I often don’t have any users, so I’m making websites for myself? Starting this blog seems like the right way to get “web users”.


I think that’s enough for now, hopefully to interact with you more… I love this place! So please don’t leave me alone, I’m begging you *dracula-voice T.T

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Male, Indonesian, Muslim, Programmer, 27 y.o. Single by Bye... You are a poet, you just don't know it...

244 thoughts on “πŸ“Œ About About πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»”

    1. my account currently unable to add comment in most blogs…
      This is a testing comment to check…
      If you read this, please reply and let me know if this is detected as spam or not 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Interesting…especially the yuulyeπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    OML…you watch Dracula??I’m beginning to think you’ll be my favorite bloggerπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    And I’m never leaving this page btwπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚here to live

    Liked by 1 person

      1. 07 – juli
        90 – tahun -> bingung ni kalo 2190, tapi nggak ada KTP lagi sih kayanya πŸ˜†
        0001,2,3 – kalo ada yang samaan lahir di daerahnya, aku 0001
        Selamat sahur kalo lagi sahur 😁


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