Mystery Blogger Award 🕵

Okay, rule #1 Put the award logo/image on your blog… I will put it in this post’s featured image… 10 minutes later… done! Next, #2 List the rules… How do I do that, hmmm, oh already did it *facepalm*, so #3 Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog… alright, this will take more minutes…

Thanks to

  • Annie in A Booknerd Travels
    I’m not sure I can find Annie’s questions…

  • Vivien in Viviensvoice

    1. Q: What do you enjoy the most about blogging?
      A: The reading, I’m dumb, reading from friend’s posts make me a little bit smarter, I think.
    2. Q: How often do you blog?
      A: Random, I was taking a break for more than a week last time, but in average 40/7, just like regular job.
    3. Q: Do you have favorite book?
      A: Quran, I always get this kind of question, let me know if you get bored with my answer.
    4. Q: What do you do when you are stressed?
      A: Often stress eating.
    5. Q: If you have the ability to change the world what would you do?
      A: I honestly don’t know, I used to say Hate, but I think the world is perfect the way it is.

  • Pooja in Believe

    1. Q: What is the best of you?
      A: I’m the most handsome boy in the world, *if you wanna argue, chat with my mom.
    2. Q: Why should you love yourself?
      A: If I don’t love myself, how can I love others.
    3. Q: Your favorite book. A little synopsis would be lovely. I promise to read it.
      A: Again, come on people, another question please. Quran. If you are Muslim we can talk more about it, but I don’t want to mess with anyone’s belief.
    4. Q: Your life in three words.
      A: Hard, fun, joke. Probably changes overtime.
    5. Q: Write about the purpose of your blog.
      A: Creating good content, although I always don’t know which is good or bad.

  • Noona in Ngaoscn
    Where the heaven is your questions! I read the post all over again, you only have a question I think…
    Q: One morning when you wake up and open your eyes, you realize you are no more a human but lizard, how would you feel?
    A: That is not funny! I will have a nightmare now! It’s rock bottom for me, I will kill myself by finding big snake to eat me…

    You have a weird taste of humor Noona, *face-with-stuck-out-tongue-and-winking-eye*

  • Ismaa in Sophia Ismaa Writes

    1. Q: What is the last book you read that made an impact on you?
      A: Book again, hmmm… Quran, definitely has epic impact for my life, life manual I guess.
    2. Q: What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? (Weird)
      A: I can’t recall food, but I drank Spiritus, 95% alcohol, fuel that I usually use when camping outdoor, for cooking, when I was in Elementary School.
    3. Q: Name two things about blogging you love and two things that irritate you.
      A: love – posts, the people. irritate – when I write ugly content, paying internet.
    4. Q: Recommend a book in one paragraph (3 sentences max)!
      A: A Street Cat Named Bob. The first sentence is the book’s title. I recommend this book because I love cat, although I am currently annoyed with my cats.
    5. I missed question number #4 so this is Ismaa’s question #4
      Q: Take Buzfeed’s: Everyone Has a British Food That Matches Their Personality Quiz and post your results, food and description included!
      A: Ah, you remind me of my ex girlfriend Ismaa… I got Mushy peas! Everyone Has A British Food That Matches Their Personality – Here’s Yours

Hours later… #4 Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well… check… #5 Tell your readers 3 things about yourself… okay, this is personal… I am dumb, I am weird, I am handsome – that’s what my mom says, don’t look at me like that… #6 You have to nominate 10 – 20 people… okay, okay, just please don’t kill me! *criesalittle*


Here are the nominees for my Mystery blogger award… geetssaini myjourneyasacreativewriter… Noona Ngaoscn – counter award *evillaugh*… a silent heart.… fatma zohra world of dreamszarakhangeniality… Sonam Small Wonders Of World… Sann Sann Speaks… How many have I mentioned already, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, come on you can do it!… Jaidip Patra Passion of Writing… 8… Akarsh_dm mindfulness.… 9… Sahithi Krishna LILMUNCHKINN… one more dude! go go go!… Soumya Somani *FRESH FOLIUM*… *deepbreathinhaleexhale*… ahem… and the award goes to… everyone… *peopleclapping* yay!

Days later… I forget what I was writing after long sleep, hmmm… #7 Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog… I hope my magic trick about trackback/pingback does the job *pray*… almost over… #8 Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)… ookay, I think I got this, wait, I’ve been asked with questions from my nominators? Should I answer that, I don’t think there is a rule for that, or I’m missing something, I think I’m gonna answer the questions *huft*, I thought this was almost over…

Weeks later… Is there anything else I should do? Oh, right, still about the questions, now is my turn to create them.


  1. What can I call you?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Single?
  4. Boring questions? you can add additional information, surprise me!
  5. This should be the funny one… How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ~ not originally from me, I just forgot the source, sorry, let me know if someone asked the same question, because, it’s probably you! you are the best!
  6. I forget one thing, gender? but this will make 6 questions…

Best Post

Now, what? #8 , sorry, #9 Share a link to your best post(s)… okay, hmmm *thinkinghard* hmmmmm *thinkingharder* hmmmmmmmmmmm, tired *thinking*… this is my best post! Should I copy the link? Just do it!!!! Okay, okayyyyy, just don’t kill me!!!! *waitingforarrowseason06episode22effect…

“I’m not gonna kill you, but I can’t guarantee you’ll walk away from this *throwknive*” – Green Arrow.

… is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Okoto Enigma

Versatile Blogger Award 🏳️

What is this award about? I can google it, but yes, I will google it, tracing is pretty tiring! I found a blog, the blog seems dedicated for the award. The blog has complete information about the award, I’ll try to write it here…

Home Page

From the top I can see VBA which is the abbreviation for Versatile Blogger Award. This site has two columns layout, the left side is for widgets, the right side is main content. In the Home page, as usual, there are posts list placed in the main content of the page, I can see latest post titled Another Hot Rod Cowgirl Post posted by lambskinny in Uncategorized on February 22, 2017, and other posts just like in my blog or your blog. I can also see links, let me check it one by one.


Hello Versatile Bloggers! Hello Nominators and Nominees — I decided to put this little blog together to assist those of you who’ve no idea what the Versatile Blogger award is, how you earn it, and what your responsibilities are once you have been nominated, i.e. awarded.

Feel free to copy the Versatile Blogger blog-button (pick your fav) from this site and put it on yours, if and only if, you’ve been nominated/awarded.

When you consider nominating a fellow blogger for the Versatile Blogger Award, consider the quality of the writing, the uniqueness of the subjects covered, the level of love displayed in the words on the virtual page. Or, of course, the quality of the photographs and the level of love displayed in the taking of them.

Honor those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.

And, have fun!

God bless. Take care. Have a nice day, and all the usual pleasantries!


Other than comment section, the page has TrackBacks, I don’t know how he/she created it, I’ll try to implement it on my post, it seems cool!

Blog Buttons

On WordPress, go to your dashboard, find appearance, select widgets. Find an IMAGE (not text) widget. Drag or select that widget and place it wherever you want it — in your sidebar or footer.

Then, leave all those boxes in the widget blank except for IMAGE URL. In that box, type the following exactly:
Save your widget. Take a look at your blog. See if that worked.

By the way:

If you want the blog button to link back to this blog when it is clicked, you can add this in the box that states: LINK URL. In that box, type this exactly:


Argggh! Too complicated for my brain!


If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.


After some thought, I’ve decided to add VBA winners who post a link to their blog in a comment to the VBA Blogroll, at least until this task becomes too overwhelming for me.

As of somewhere around the end of April, 2012 — the task of adding blogs to the VBA Blogroll became OVERWHELMING. Therefore, I decided to feature a VBA post at least once a week ( that implies or more ). And, the comments now function as the blogroll.


Support Great VBA Posts

Today I discovered a blog via one of the nominated bloggers. Just curious, I visited. Lo and behold, I found a great post. So, I thought, I’ve got to share this one! So, I did.

Now and again, I plan to repeat this practice — unless you out there object.

Thanks for reading! ( Oh, I mean thanks for supporting your fellow bloggers! )

Have a nice day; God bless; take care! And all the other usual pleasantries!

Why VBA is Best

The Versatile Blogger Award is the best of the ‘chain letter’ awards out there in the blogosphere.

“Why?” you ask.

I answer, “Because here is the central locale for all those winners! You may come here any time and find a VBA blog. And look for your own VBA blog post featured here!”

So, keep coming back.

Keep nominating [and awarding] blogs for the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! And, importantly, keep supporting EACH OTHER!

Happy blogging!

And some novels links…

I decided not to follow the rules of VBA. Why? Because after seeing the blog of VBA it’s been so long ago, and I am overwhelmed by awards, not that I don’t like it, I just can’t keep the tracks, probably some of you have been nominated me and I’m afraid that I forget to thank you for that. I’m really sorry…

Thank you so much for mentioning me, Siddharth Banga in Vision of Sid, Daman in thisisdamanblog, Choco in saideepti999, Rudra Makwana in Tinte, and appletomypiee, once again I’m really sorry for this awful post, please don’t hate me…

Liebster Award – reskin 🏆

Thank you for the nomination, Syed Danish just opinion and Rory A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip!….

Questions from Syed

  1. Q: What is the meaning of your blog ?
    A: My blog doesn’t mean anything, I just trying to learn to write here.
  2. Q; What is the best Quote you ever heard?
    A: “Hey, Are you suggesting that I’m replaceable?” – Ricardo Diaz.
  3. Q: who is your ideal Philosopher ?
    A: I need to learn about this, I don’t know any.
  4. Q: What you love to watch Sci-fi movies or Historical movies?
    A: Love the technology.
  5. Q: What you think is the best innovation ?
    A: Smartphone.
  6. Q: how many wonders of the world you have visited?
    A: what’s wonders? probably none.
  7. Q: Best comedy soap (tv series) you ever watched?
    A: Friends.
  8. Q: Your Dream destination to study/job ?
    A: Professional Blogger.
  9. Q: what is the name of your best post ?
    A: My newest post.
  10. Q: the platform you used to open wordpress (operating system) ?
    A: Android, Ubuntu, Windows.
  11. Q: Best Actor ?
    A: Morgan Freeman.

Questions from Rory

  1. Q: What’s the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
    A: Akismet, mark my comment as spam.
  2. Q: Do you own a pet if so, what?
    A: Cats: Milo, Gracie, Kucrit.
  3. Q: What is your favourite game – this can be old fashioned board games all the way up to current?
    A: Pro Evolution Soccer 2017. Harvest Moon – GBA.
  4. Q: Have you ever had to make a decision that you didn’t like? Discuss if you wish or simply answer Yes/No?
    A: Yes.
  5. Q: What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a guinea pig?
    A: Elephant.
  6. Q: What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
    A: The Shawsank Redemption.
  7. Q: Where are some unusual places you’ve been?
    A: Mountains.
  8. Q: Do you think that aliens exist?
    A: Yes.
  9. Q: What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
    A: Dragon.
  10. Q: Which of your teachers at school resembled the dragon or a dragon?
    A: None.
  11. Q: If magic was real, what spell would you try to learn first?
    A: Riddikulus.

What is this award about? I can google it, but I won’t! I want to trace it, I like to explore! So starting from KT Simple Silly which is where Richard Peter nominate me (the last one), thank you for nominating me, one word for his blog is simple! And I think his objective is to simplify things around! Well, there is a link, don’t forget to click it!

I continue my journey to Avni blog, I know her, she is cute, and then Selewritesup, from the name I guess she loves Selena Gomez. From there I go to MUSINGS? I don’t know if that the blog’s name, and finally where I couldn’t find the post in The Dreaming Light. I go back in using google and found a link which say Oops! That page can’t be found.

I have received this award a while ago and I have written the post. Now I try to reskin it, because it was not “successful”. I didn’t notify the nominees and I don’t know if they create the award post based on my post. The nomination part in a blogger award is always so hard for me. Anyway, what is Liebster Award?

It’s an award in which bloggers nominate other bloggers for showing respect to their works and their dedication. It’s an appreciation and recognition for all the fellow bloggers out there in the blogosphere.

The name is inspired by the German word “Liebster” which means dearest, most beloved one, in English. This basically speaks for itself what the award is about.

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and links back to the post.
  • List the rules and display the Liebster award logo in your post.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and write them 11 questions.
  • Answer 11 questions that the blogger asked you.

The Nominations

  1. sachinsnagaraj ~ SN Designs
  2. WebWorks ~ ProgWiz
  3. Inna Learns JS
  4. Sanjib Ahmad ~
  5. GunjanInks
  6. David Web Designer ~ Actualize Dreams
  7. SZ ~ Islamic Gems
  8. harithsnair
  10. Mind Elate
  11. The Muslim Diaspora

My Questions

  1. What can I call you?
  2. What does it mean?
  3. What is your site name?
  4. What does it mean?
  5. How important is it for you a blog description?
  6. When did you start blogging?
  7. What kind of content do you like to read from a blog?
  8. What does like mean to you?
  9. What does comment mean to you?
  10. What does follow mean to you?
  11. Create a question on your own and answer it!

Questions & Answers

  1. Q: Day Or Night?
    A: I feel sleepy at Day and energized at Night, Night!
  2. Q: Coffee Or Ice cream?
    A: Coffee, Ice cream too cute.
  3. Q: Winters Or Summer?
    A: When I play Harvest Moon, Winters, it’s different!
  4. Q: High School Or University?
    A: High School, I did all kind of things, more cheerful time!
  5. Q: Dancing Or Singing?
    A: I have tried Singing, so Dancing, that would be so cool!
  6. Q: Reading Or Writing?
    A: Reading, it’s the fuel for my writing!
  7. Q: Children Or Parents?
    A: Children, they are cute!
  8. Q: Street Art Or Paintings by Professionals (eg. Mona lisa, starry night)?
    A: Professionals, I know Mona lisa.
  9. Q: Instagram Or Facebook?
    A: Facebook, more text based.
  10. Q: Hill stations Or Beaches?
    A: Hill stations, check out my Instagram!
  11. Q: What do you like the most about India? (Your views about India).
    A: The movies, they are awesome!

Sunshine Blogger Award

The Sunshine Blogger is an award given to bloggers by bloggers for bringing creativity, positivity and sunshine into the lives of readers.

Especially for Jan, I think there will be no annoucement related to tag from me, I just spent too much thinking about it… Thank you so much for mentioning me in your posts… Arya, Jan Moss, Paolo, I hope you understand why I don’t write a new post for this… and hopefully you enjoy my answers for your questions…

I’m really happy to be mentioned on one of my favorite blog! Winnie in Musings Mom of three teenagers blogging journey. Brace me self, huge traffic coming! But I’m really sorry for you, this probably won’t affect yours since this is just updated post, I will mention one of your post in future post, it’s already on drafts *prettyhappyforme*

Air hug for my friend L from A Book World! I’m sorry for air hugging you, this is because you are so friendly, is it too much?. Cringe? Well, I hold back too much thought so I will let this one slip. I will answer the 12th question here What made you nominate me? because 12 is not prime number (me trying to be handsome like Nathan from A Brilliant Young Mind (2014)).

I was like you, I had a hard time finding nominations, nominees? awardees? I really don’t understand how to use those kind of words. So I went through my readers (I really don’t have the courage to call it what it is because it’s too much of responsibility), and try contacting them by adding a comment on a random post to see if you are currently active or not. But don’t think this is just random, let’s call it, fate!

Those two weird paragraphs is dedicated to Tom from Tomos James, hahaha! Sorry! Go Big or Go Home! Let’s see how readers will react with the updates. This probably will only be read by 4 person: myself, L, Tom, and my lovely new friend Daman.


Hi Daman! This kind of funny, I nominate myself, hahaha, not funny? okay. I try my best to understand all of my readers because when I published a post it will appear on their feeds or email, so this time I commented on Daman’s Blog although it’s not my only motive, it’s called aboveandbeyondtheinfinity or thisisdamanblog? Oh, you’re going to write a post about it, I’ll happily waiting for your new post! *lovelove*

Big Thank you to the amazing Issy and Rishab from Wandering Waffles, appletomypiee and francescawho from Diary of a Twenty Something for the nomination, their blogs are super awesome please make sure that you check them out!

Questions & Answers

From Arya

  1. Q: Do anyone knows about your blog outside?i.e.friends,family.What does they think about it?
    A: No one.
  2. Q: What is true friendship?
    A: Argh! so hard to answer, I don’t know.
  3. Q: What u think about love and poetry? Do u think that they both are related?
    A: I don’t do poetry, I know some lyrics from love songs, it’s part of communication, the unknown feeling, sometimes it doesn’t make sense, I don’t know what I talking about, I think they are related, your questions are so hard to answer, Arya!
  4. Q: What’s your favorite quote and how much it means to u?
    A: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” 51:56. It shows why I am created.
  5. Q: What’s your favorite song and the lines in it that moved you?
    A: Sweet Caroline. Sweet Caroline, good times never seemed so good.
  6. Q: When you were counting your last breaths which moment of your school life u want to experience again?
    A: When I started how to count in math subject.
  7. Q: What u think about your parents?
    A: They are pretty cool, they are old, but they are cool.
  8. Q: What blogging means to u?
    A: Best social media where content matter.
  9. Q: What do u think about Hitler’s ghost? If u get a chance to meet him will u say a yes? Why?
    A: I don’t really know the story about him, I heard that he kill so many people, so I would say yes, to know the reason, knowing the truth, I don’t know.
  10. Q: What u are UNDERSTAOOD by the topic ” A DEAD LYING LIFE”?
    A: I believe that there is a life after death here in the world.
  11. Q: How much a piece of paper mean to u?
    A: It can be a lot of things, although it’s now digital, I still love to use paper, it’s real.

From Jan

  1. Q: What is your favourite animal and why?
    A: Cat, I don’t know they are just cute animal.
  2. Q: What is your favourite film?
    A: I still go with Boyhood (2014)
  3. Q: Watch would be your power if you were a superhero?
    A: Based on the movies I watched, Tech skill like Tony Stark.
  4. Q: What is your favourite non alcoholic drink?
    A: Red Bull, here it’s called KratingDaeng I think.
  5. Q: What was your first pet and its name?
    A: I don’t remember, I’m not really the one who decide to have a pet at home, when I lived alone I never had a pet, I can give you the name Milo though, our recent cat, he is so cute.
  6. Q: If you had the chance to go back and change something in your life what would it be?
    A: I would never smoking, I hope no further question for this, I know it’s bad.
  7. Q: If you could have three wishes from a genie what would they be?
    A: Money, flying carpet, more wishes, no, my own island.
  8. Q: What is your favourite item of clothing?
    A: Casual, long pants and t-shirt.
  9. Q: If you could only have one more holiday in your life. It’s your last ever…. Where would you go?
    A: Mecca, Saudi Arabia
  10. Q: When you were a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
    A: A european football player.
  11. Q: If you won £10,000 what would you do with it?
    A: I would use it to complete the 5 pillars of Islam.

From Paolo

  1. Q: If you were to be stranded on a island and could have one book with you what book would you want to have?
    A: My religion sacred book, Quran
  2. Q: Who would you consider to be one of your role models and why?
    A: Again, related to my religion, Muhammad SAW. I don’t know him that well, but based on stories I heard, he is considered to be the finest leader with the highest moral values.
  3. Q: Why did you start your blog?
    A: I want to learn to write, make a good content, I need to start somewhere, and I think this is where I start.
  4. Q: What is your least favorite thing about blogging?
    A: In this platform,, there are a lot of platforms, mobile app, web, calypso, and the site itself, some content doesn’t work on some platforms, so I need to think how to alter my content.
  5. Q: What is something you wish you could be better at?
    A: I wish I could be better at reading, understand all kind of posts in one reading trial.
  6. Q: Favorite place you’ve traveled to so far and why?
    A: Jakarta, Indonesia. There are huge range of things in there, feels like I can see everything, places, people, etc.
  7. Q: Pancakes or Waffles?
    A: I barely eat them, I’ll go with Pancakes.
  8. Q: Favorite music to dance too?
    A: Dangdut, it is a genre of Indonesian folk and traditional popular music that is partly derived from Hindustani, Malay, and Arabic music.
  9. Q: What is your go to karaoke song?
    A: She’s gone, steelheart!!!
  10. Q: Best piece of advice for other bloggers out there?
    A: Read posts from other bloggers as much as you can, and try to understand them.
  11. Q: If you could hang out with anyone in the world for 1 day who would you want it to be?
    A: Morgan Freeman.

From Winnie

  1. Q: How can you inspire the youth today?
    A: To write better, I believe that good words will inspire, like Winnie inspire me.
  2. Q: What is your idea of fun?
    A: Right now, reading posts from other blogs and writing in my blog. I’m not sure I understand the question, hahaha.
  3. Q; What are subjects in school you’re good at?
    A: Math. I’m one of the sources for final Exam! So funny…
  4. Q: Who is your inspiration? Why?
    A: Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, and currently my blogger friends, you one of the best Winnie, hahaha. The prophet I still learning, so I can’t talk much about it. The blogger friends, they inspire me with words, but why? I believe reading more of their posts make me write better.
  5. Q: How do you come up with ideas for your blog?
    A: When I first created the blog I actually have no idea what it’s going to be about, just like previous question answer, posts from other bloggers inspire more for a lot new ideas, just connecting it with my own experiences.
  6. Q: What is your genre of books?
    A: I don’t really read books, but I’d say history.
  7. Q: Do you have a sweet tooth? What are your favorites?
    A: I need to google sweet tooth, hahaha. Fried chicken, chicken satay, basically all kind of chicken food.
  8. Q: What are your hobbies?
    A: Currently reading and writing, watching movies, I used to watching soccer/football games, playing soccer/football and futsal.
  9. Q: What is your favorite color?
    A: Black and White? are these colors? Red then.
  10. Q: What will be your legacy?
    A: Hahaha, I don’t know how to answer this, I’m still in my twenties, I don’t have to answer it now right?
  11. Q: Describe yourself in one word.
    A: Hard

From L

  1. Q: What does blogging, or writing in general, mean to you?
    A: It means creating an artifact. It’s not only in my head, other people can see it too if they found it!
  2. Q: ‎What do you aim at while blogging? (What’s your main purpose?)
    A: In this exact platform, I wanna learn, anything, I still don’t know why do I live.
  3. Q: ‎Where do you see yourself in the future? What do you aspire to be?
    A: I’m not a youngster anymore, so I don’t really have plans. I just hope that I’m in the right path, straight path, with happy feeling so my intention would be genuine.
  4. Q: What do you like and dislike in my blog? (Very important :v)
    A: Hahaha, pacman emoji! well, I need to go through your posts! I’m not a fan of a book review, I have a book that I need to read and it’s like forever reading it, and you showing off your book list? I’m starting to love poems, it’s more personal, I’m a noob about this. Something like ~ Le Langage et la Pensée: A Reflection. ~ is really good!
  5. Q: What is your source(s) of inspiration when you write? And who is your number one idol?
    A: Prophet Muhammad. Oh, now I need to read 2 “book”! My writing is just my stupidity so there are no link in this!
  6. Q: What’s your favourite book(s) ever? (I put an s ’cause I know the struggle.)
    A: I’m gonna say it now. Quran.
  7. Q: If you could ever order a manual about anything in life, what would it be entitled? (Be specific. e.g. How to Be a Better Lover? Or: How to Make Killer Spaghetti?)
    A: I’m not sure if you will be satisfied with my answer, hahaha! How to Live My Life (with CDs).
  8. Q: What is the thing you want to improve in yourself as a person and as a blogger?
    A: In this case my English.
  9. Q: If there’s something you want to change in the whole world, what will this thing be? (If you have way too many as I’m sure you do, state the ones you really want changed.)
    A: Ahhhh! I don’t know! Okay, about hate, why can’t I just be happy all the time.
  10. Q: If you were ever granted a wish, what will this wish be? (Yes, only one.)
    A: To get another wish, wait! Nevermind, I wish I knew all the truths!
  11. Q: ‎Ask a question of your choice and answer it! (Surprise me! LOL.) hahaha, you copying me, 😛 ~ What Kind Of Girl Are You Attracted To? No! WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORY OR GAIN AN EXTRA 40 IQ POINTS?
    A: Photographic Memory, reference from Sheldon The Big Bang Theory, but only the memory not anything else. Surprise! No? Okay.

From Daman

  1. Q: What’s the story behind your blog name?
    A: This is just like my questions but smarter! A Qoder’s Blog – that’s the name of my blog, it’s pretty self-explanatory, A Qoder(noun) create a Blog, it’s like my aunt’s pen, does it make sense?. Probably the question is what a Qoder? It’s from the word code something that I write as a programmer – code, C+ode, I change the C with Q so it will sound more middle eastern plus R in the end to make it a noun. What was I writing?
  2. Q: What’s the most exciting thing you have ever done?
    A: I try looking this on my long-term memory’s blocks but couldn’t find anything except, Joining wordpress!
  3. Q: When did you first started writing?
    A: well, I assume about blogging, I actually have created so many blogs I lost count. But for this blog I started my first post in 14th December 2017.
  4. Q: What’s your happiest memory?
    A: Again my long-term memory, I’d say chatting with L and Daman.
  5. Q: Do you have any dream destination?
    A: Mekah or Mecca? It’s actually a must for me, but become a Dream destination recently.
  6. Q: If money was not a factor, what would be your dream job?
    A: Travelling Blogger like cogitoesoterica? Sorry, I’m adding you in the loop, again!
  7. Q: What’s your favourite movie?
    A: Currently, Boyhood (2014)
  8. Q: Name one thing from your bucket list?
    A: Stop smoking, is it can be? Go To the top of Himalaya!
  9. Q: On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you today?
    A: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, 6 for the digit!
  10. Q: How important is a second chance to you? Would you give second chances to people?
    A: Yes and No, I’m getting tired, hahaha, sorry!
  11. Q: Are you single?
    A: Yes, Yes I am!


From appletomypiee on Sunshine blogger award #4

  1. Q: What do you think about my blog ?
    A: Overall you have a nice blog, the content is so personal and it’s good. But when I go to your domain not through reader I see some abandoned things, like text widget, the about page, and your first post. I don’t know if you intend to do that.
  2. Q: Where are you from ?
    A: I’m from Indonesia, you probably heard it as Bali, but I’m really from Magelang, Jawa Tengah.
  3. Q: Your hobby ?
    A: I guess I’m getting old, I used to play football/soccer/futsal all the time it’s been about 6 months since the last time, now my Hobby is reading and writing through
  4. Q: Your mother tongue ?
    A: Indonesian, Javanese, Ngapak.
  5. Q: What will you do if the person you love and trust the most hurts you badly ?
    A: I look at myself what I did wrong, if there is something wrong it’s just something that have to be.
  6. Q: Do you forgive people easily ??
    A: I think so, right now I don’t remember hating someone.
  7. Q: Aim of your life ??
    A: Well, I wanna be a good, kind person.
  8. Q: Your favourite blogs ?
    A: Hmmm, I will research about this more, will update later, haha…
  9. Q: Your favourite food ?
    A: Chicken, I love chicken so much!
  10. Q: Whom you love the most ?
    A: Someone, someone from the past. I don’t know how to use whom or who!
  11. Q: Which thing you miss the most ?
    A: I miss someone, someone from the past.

From francescawho

  1. Q: What/who inspired you to start a blog?
    A: Myself?
  2. Q: Which of your blog posts so far is your favourite and why?
    A: This post, because it involves other bloggers and I’m really happy to interact with them.
  3. Q: What have you enjoyed about blogging so far?
    A: I love everything, blogging teach me a lot of things, but most of it is the reading part.
  4. Q: Describe yourself in 5 words.
    A: Moody, Angry, Awesome, Alone, Cute.
  5. Q: If you could change anything in the world right now, what would it be?
    A: The ignorance and honesty.
  6. Q: Your most treasured posession and why?
    A: My will to live
  7. Q: What goals have you set for yourself/your blog?
    A: I want to make as many friends as I can
  8. Q: What have you found difficult about blogging so far?
    A: Understanding the people, there are so many differences!
  9. Q: How do you unwind after a busy or stressful day?
    A: Go straight to bed.
  10. Q: Name something on your bucket list
    A: Stop smoking.
  11. Q: Describe one of the happiest days of your life!
    A: The time when I can make other person happy.

From appletomypiee

  1. Q: What is your priority in life ?
    A: As a human being my priority is being kind to others
  2. Q: Things you do when you are bored ?
    A: Currently I try to find posts from blogs and read it, there is always a really interesting post!
  3. Q: Things you do when you miss someone ?
    A: I’m trying my best to pray that he/she will be in peace.
  4. Q: What will you do to make your day happy ?
    A: I really don’t know, my heart decide when to feel happy, sometimes I try to do what makes me happy previously but it doesn’t work.
  5. Q: Would you like to change the past or see the future ?
    A: Both, I tried to make a time machine that works both ways, to the past and the future, but if I need to choose one I need to see the future, the past will trap me in an infinite loop I think.
  6. Q: Your favourite movie ?
    A: Recently, Boyhood 2014
  7. Q: Which place you will like to visit ?
    A: Everywhere I can reach, even another planet, but most of it Mecca
  8. Q: Which thing you miss the most ?
    A: I miss someone, someone from the past.
  9. Q: Biggest regret in your life ?
    A: My smoking habit.
  10. Q: Whom you love the most in this world ?
    A: I love someone, someone from the past.
  11. Q: With whom you would like to spend your time most family ,friends or boyfriend/girlfriend ?
    A: With myself.

From Issy and Rishab

  1. Q: What inspired you to start blogging?
    A: I spent more than 30 minutes thinking about this, I’m gonna skip it for now and back after I found the answer.
  2. Q: Which post of yours, do you consider the best one and why?
    A: The best one is from another planet I mean domain, because It has everything that I Imagine I would create a post as a programmer.
  3. Q: What is your favourite sport?
    A: Soccer/Football
  4. Q: What was the last place you have travelled to?
    A: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  5. Q: What language do you want to learn and why?
    A: Indonesia, English, Arabic – My mother tongue, International Language, related to my religion.
  6. Q: Name 3 of your pet peeves.
    A: The feel of chalk, People who are chronically late, People smoking not on the right place (I smoke).
  7. Q: What is that place you don’t want to travel to and why?
    A: What’s with this question, hahaha, I want to go everywhere!
  8. Q: What would you be, if you weren’t a blogger?
    A: I would try to create a time machine!
  9. Q: What is your thought on being vegan?
    A: It’s good, healthy, I’m not an expert but I heard things
  10. Q: What’s that one skill that you always wanted to learn?
    A: Anger/Mood Management
  11. Q: Do you want a build a community? If yes, then what would it be aiming at?
    A: I want to, something like reverse Illuminati

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award Logo in your post and/or on your blog.


These are my nominees, please do visit their blogs, I love them…

  1. Hannathegrace – Write Under The Light
  2. A Book World!
  3. cogitoesoterica – smalltimejetsetter
  4. Our Beautiful Lies
  5. mysticwriter2002 – poetic essence
  6. saideepti999
  7. What if We all Cared?
  8. Syed Danish – just opinion
  9. a strange way of life
  10. Mariam Naveed – Women Diaries07
  11. Tomos James

My Questions

  1. What can I call you? (real/internet name)
  2. What does it mean?
  3. What is your site name?
  4. What does it mean?
  5. What is your blog description?
  6. How important is it for you a blog description?
  7. When did you start blogging?
  8. What kind of content do you like to read from a blog? (Music, humor, religion, tech, tips, or something like that with explanation)
  9. What does like mean to you?
  10. What does comment mean to you?
  11. Create a question on your own and answer it!