Quick Apologize 😁 Please Read – Important – Level 1 Alert ⚠️ – Need Help – Can’t Comment On Other Blog + Please Check Your Spam Folder

I have been trying to return your kindness by commenting on your blogs, but those comments are all gone for the past few days! I’ll try to count the numbers by the end of this post. If you received my Like, I may have dropped a comment also. I’m still trying to figure out the problem, but even I tried asking WordPress Support, and the Page not found! so I literally can do nothing, but to publish this post. Keep smiling, I am OK πŸ˜‚

Why Am I Apologizing

I am apologizing because people start leaving me (read: unfollow), so this post intended to prevent more number. Thanks to WordPress.com, I have learned a lot of things from a lot of people. I’ve been blogging for almost 6 months and I’ve done many things. Like, Comment, Follow, Unfollow, Spam Like, Spam Comment, Spam Like Comment, etc. Recently I tried my best not to do spam anymore.

Delayed Reply

I mostly delay my reply to your comment on this blog, I have reasons for it, one of them is limited number of notifications. I counted 100 notification items only, so the 101th notification item will be gone forever, I can’t revisit it. If I force “realtime” conversation it will definitely take all the notification slot. But I have been trying my best to reply all of them.

This creates another issue. My comment for other blogs, based on queue on my notification items also gone! I am Okay, keep smiling πŸ˜‚

Please consider this if you are going to leave, I’ll try my best to resolve the issues soon. In the near future I probably only leave a Like to return the kindness and I will let you know if things back to normal.

In the meantime, enjoy https://developer.wordpress.com/ . It’s open API provided by WordPress.com to create our own app with the power of WordPress.com. I’ve created some scripts based on this, I know who unfollowed me, I created tool to do spam likes (I don’t use it anymore). I tried to create my own notification storage so I won’t worry about notification slot anymore.

I will do one more spam like, just to get you notified and hopefully reading this post.



Counting gone comments, about 40


enter /me/likes?number=40&fields=site_id,post_id
change the following

my response

    "likes": [
        "site_id": "133564718",
        "post_id": "7682"
        "site_id": "102327658",
        "post_id": "1291"
        "site_id": "102327658",
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        "post_id": "779"
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        "post_id": "213"
        "site_id": "144236755",
        "post_id": "75"
        "site_id": "136069549",
        "post_id": "1931"
        "site_id": "25966378",
        "post_id": "4504"
        "site_id": "143510639",
        "post_id": "221"
        "site_id": "145046898",
        "post_id": "270"
        "site_id": "135624323",
        "post_id": "1409"
        "site_id": "104291180",
        "post_id": "2228"
        "site_id": "102977462",
        "post_id": "14"
        "site_id": "145044016",
        "post_id": "312"
        "site_id": "139019304",
        "post_id": "44"
        "site_id": "139681360",
        "post_id": "627"
        "site_id": "140009739",
        "post_id": "4"
        "site_id": "140009739",
        "post_id": "138"
        "site_id": "139569689",
        "post_id": "59"
        "site_id": "26444865",
        "post_id": "5144"
        "site_id": "143410859",
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        "post_id": "17072"

Published by


Male, Indonesian, Muslim, Programmer, 27 y.o. Single by Bye... You are a poet, you just don't know it...

118 thoughts on “Quick Apologize 😁 Please Read – Important – Level 1 Alert ⚠️ – Need Help – Can’t Comment On Other Blog + Please Check Your Spam Folder”

      1. That’s correct, July. I just checked and nothing since 6th May. My guest has just checked in so now I will eat my cornflakes & banana and have a long sleep. Maybe you will hear my snoring.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, that’s what I meant, I can’t comment on other blog πŸ˜†
        Hahahah, have a good rest Dai, thank you for your help, it helps a lot 😁

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I’m puzzled by this, July. It’s 5:09 am here and I didn’t get enough sleep but I have two guests checking out early. So I’m drinking hot tea and keeping myself awake until they’ve gone. Are you having a good day there ?

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Puzzled by what Dai?
        I hope you can get the rest that you need. Not from Belgium right, the guests? I’m drinking coffee now… I’m having a really good day Dai, there are a lot of friends here on WordPress and you are one, good one 😁😊

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Hi July. I am puzzled as to why you can’t make comments. So strange. July, my two great guests from Belgium left this morning at 6 am. But I have two new guests here this evening. A Brazilian lady and her aunty arrived from Sao Paulo in Brazil. I’m very tired after getting up at 5 am and working all day. But now at 6:53 pm I have the chance to be alone in my room. I have a half glass of red wine and I think I’ll lie on my bed and watch something on Youtube. At the moment I’m really absorbed by Karl Watson’s 9 month trip around the world, with his best friend, James Walsh. Yesterday I watched part 1. London to Hong Kong and onwards. This evening I will watch part 2 which is southeast Asia. How would we live without Youtube, July ? Well my friend, if you’re not already sleeping, have a pleasant night there in Indonesia. I am going to enjoy resting now.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. It seems the Akismet support team also have no idea what’s going on, but I think it’s because I’ve made so many comments in a lot of blogs.
        Seems so fun meeting new people everyday from around the world. I’ll take a look at the names later. Hahaha, I love YouTube!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree πŸ˜‚
      I’ve done it a lot of times, but after my post about Like, then I stopped doing it, I read the post and comments, sometimes I don’t understand the content, then the comments conversation help me to understand better 😁

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I also commented on your post – The Arrival Of The Foster Dog – asking about how many parts the sequel will be, it doesn’t seem to appear in the comment list 😁

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Mark 😁
      I’ll try commenting on your blog if you don’t mind, I don’t really know what your content is, so my comment will probably a spam comment 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I teach people how to build a life time residual income here on the internet using a business system, so if you don’t read my content then there is no need to comment, it would only confuse my other readers.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Read what you want to read, comment on what you want to comment! πŸ™‚ I’m sure most of us don’t mind as there is only so much time we can spend on WP.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Yeah, spam is becoming an issue lately….so weird. My spammed comment get sent directly to spam box so when I go check spam, I can delete them but yeah, strange. I thought you quit blogging. πŸ˜‘

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The comment from other blogger in your blog posts?
      Hahaha, not yet, there is always something that pull me back in, I’ve been thinking about quitting a lot, just not the time yet I guess 😁😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I believe your site description Roy “You are not here by accident, there is a purpose for you being here.” as long as there are really good friends like you, I’ll always come back 😁😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but I wanted to be equal, I will always wish happiness be with you Roy, that’s your name right? I’m not really sure about it πŸ˜†

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am still reading you. Sometimes when I get very bad pain and bad depression I might disappear for a while because it is better for everyone else. I hope this problem gets sorted out soon. Loves and air hugs for you. 😎❀️❀️❀️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Jan, I just commented on your latest post – Cyprus day four – I think, the content is …

      testing reply comment… if you read this, please reply, it will help me so much, thank you 😊

      Please if you can check in your spam folder 😁


  4. Now I understandπŸ’‘
    Keep trying!πŸ˜‚
    The 100 notification problem is really a problem. I mean it’s because you get a lot of notifications… you’re quite popular!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
        But the complete truth is… you write really good and you are highly creative as well… and funny too😁😁

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, it is really a problem for me. Thank you so much Naman, for opening my mind, I need to rethink about this, but still it does bother me… So, I’ll take it slow πŸ˜†

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey i guapo actually very well aware of u now. So i am not so amazed by reading this as i am used to it now. So love your blogs keep going. I am with u and by your side always and always forever❀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi, I just commented on your latest post, it seems my comment detected as spam. Could you please check your spam? 😊
      Yes, I have been contacting with Akismet 😁


    1. I’m guessing because I made too many comments for other blogs, and such behavior considered spam. I’ve been in contact with Akismet team, but the problem still occured.
      I hope so, I really like to be here😁


  6. If anyone marks a comment of yours as spam WordPress makes all of your comments spam. This happened to me once several years ago and I don’t make a lot of comments. I don’t know what their current rules are, but at the time they said they would fix it once and only once. If it happens a second time you’re all done, they won’t fix it. So if you don’t like another blogger’s comment just trash it, never mark it as spam.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a really good info, I tried my research and use several accounts to comment and still no luck… Seems that my IP address and internet connection used is still the same πŸ˜†


  7. This has been happening to me since SO long…I wonder how talented you are for always being able to provide a detailed deliberation of any such technical issues in WordPress…
    Yours is really the best blog i’e come across in such matters

    Liked by 1 person

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